Background Books

G7 UK: The 2021 Cornwall Summit
Edited by John Kirton and Madeline Koch, with guest editor Sir Nicholas Bayne
Published by GT Media and the G20 Research Group, 2021
For a free downloadable electronic version, click here.
Building Back Greener and Better
Boris Johnson, Prime Minister, United Kingdom
Leaders' views
Cooperating for the Common Good
Angela Merkel, Chancellor, Germany
Responding to Global Crisis
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister, Canada
Forging a New Narrative for Multilateralism
Charles Michel, President, European Council
Envisioning the Post-Pandemic Reality
Mario Draghi, Prime Minister, Italy
Leading with Our Allies
Joe Biden, President, United States
A Call to Action
Emmanuel Macron, President, France
A Virtuous Cycle
Yoshihide Suga, Prime Minister, Japan
A Path Out of Crisis
Ursula von der Leyen, President, European Commission
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Guest Leaders' Views
Collaboration in the Face of Adversity
Scott Morrison, Prime Minister, Australia
Hope on the Horizon
Cyril Ramaphosa, President, South Africa
Climate Justice
Narendra Modi, Prime Minister, India
Opportunity from Crisis
Moon Jae-in, President, Korea
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Editors' Introductions
The United Kingdom's Approach to the G7
Sir Nicholas Bayne, Former British Diplomat
Building Back Better at the G7's Cornwall Summit
John Kirton, Director, G7 Research Group
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The Impact of COVID-19
G7 Performance on Health
Meagan Byrd, chair of summit studies, G7 Research Group
Breaking Down Vaccine Barriers
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general, WHO
Racing to Vaccinate the World
Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
CARPHA's Regional Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Joy St John, executive director, CARPHA
to System Failures with Determination
Ilona Kickbusch, founding director, Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute
What's Needed Now
Lord Jim O'Neill, chair, Chatham House
Brain Health: Key to Health, Wealth and Well-Being
Vladimir Hachinski, former president, World Federation of Neurology
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Global Commerce
G7 Performance on Macroeconomic Policy
Jane Filipiuk, G7 Research Group
When Risk Becomes Reality
Angel Gurría, former secretary-general, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
An Economic Balancing Act
Interview with Robert Fauver, former US G7 sherpa
Support for Sustainable Standards
Robert Eccles, visiting professor of management practice, Said Business School, University of Oxford
G7 Performance on Trade
Maria Marchyshyn, lead researcher on trade, G7 Research Group
The WTO, Trade
and the COVID-19 Recovery
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, director-general, World Trade Organization
Realising Tourism's Power as a Recovery Tool
Zurab Pololikashvili, secretary-general, United Nations World Tourism Organization
Vaccine Supply Chains: Groundhog Day
Simon J Evenett, University of St Gallen
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Development for All
G7 Performance on Development
Sonja Dobson, senior researcher, G7 Research Group
Committing to a Green Recovery
Interview with
Achim Steiner, administrator, United Nations Development Programme
Fighting Famine: How the Global Community Can Take Action
David Beasley, executive director, World Food Programme
Leaving No Economy Behind
Patricia Scotland, QC, secretary-general of the Commonwealth
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Environmental Protection
G7 Performance on Climate Change
Brittaney Warren, director of policy analysis and lead researcher on climate change, G7 Research Group
Improving G7 Performance on the Environment
Hélène Emorine, senior researcher, G7 Research Group
A Year for Tough Decisions
Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, executive secratary to the UNFCCC
The Green Shoots of Change
Elizabeth Mrema, executive secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity
G7 Performance on Energy
Ella Kokotsis, director of accountability, G7 Research Group
2021: A Defining Year for Energy
La Camera, director-general, International Renewable Energy Agency
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Achieving Gender Equity
G7 Performance on Gender Equality
Julia Kulik, director of research, G7 Research Group
Establishing Generation Equality
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka,
UN under-secretary- general and executive director of UN Women
Reimagining the Future
Henrietta Fore, executive director of UNICEF
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A Digital World
G7 Performance on Digital Innovation
Meredith Williams, lead researcher on digitalisation, G7 Research Group
New Branches in the Labour Market
Guy Ryder, director-general of the International Labour Organization
The Cost of Incoordination
Chiara Oldani, professor of economics at University of Viterbo 'La Tuscia'
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Crime, Corruption and Conflict
G7 Performance on Crime and Corruption
Denisse Rudich, director, G7 and G20 Research Groups London
G7 Performance on Governing Arms Control
Hiromitsu Higashi, researcher at the G7 Research Group
An Environmental Call to Arms
Marcus Pleyer, president, Financial Action Task Force
Joined Forces
Jürgen Stock, secretary-general of INTERPOL
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A Stronger G7 System
The Effectiveness Challenge
Jessica Rapson, senior researcher, G7 Research Group
America Is Back. Now What?
Christopher Sands, director, Canada Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Aspirations and Expectations: Australia's Participation in the G7
Caitlin Byrne, Asia Institute, Griffith University
How Virtual Summitry Threatens G7 Success
Tristen Naylor, fellow in international relations, London School of Economics
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