Global Governance Program

Global Governance Program
Including the G7 Research Group, G20 Research Group,
BRICS Research Group and the Global Health Diplomacy Program

University of Toronto

G20 USA: The 2020 Virtual Year

Edited by John Kirton and Madeline Koch, with Christopher Sands
Published by GT Media and the G7 Research Group, 2020

For a free downloadable electronic version, click here.

Foreword and Leaders' Intros

A Historic Year for G7 Summitry
John Kirton, director of the G7 Research Group, on the G7 in this unique year
Defeating the Virus
United States' president Donald Trump looks to the future of health care, peace and security and innovation
Stopping Disease Before It Starts
Boris Johnson, prime minister of the United Kingdom, on the importance of harnessing our shared scientific expertise
The Many Good Reasons for Nations to Work together in All Areas
Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany, explores the work and reward of creating greater cohesion in Europe
How to Overcome Human Security Crises and Realise a Better World
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga of Japan and former prime minister Shinzo Abe share how the country is pioneering coordinated action on critical issues
Determination, Courage and Vision for the Future
Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte advocates for focused action in building a future built on the respect of human rights
Coordination During Crises: A Wake-Up Call for a New Way of Thinking
Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau says the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that the status quo isn't working well enough
Standing Shoulder to Shoulder As We Face Shared Challenges
France's president Emmanuel Macron calls for effective global governance to respond to globalisation
A Commitment to Better Enforce the Level Playing Field
Charles Michel, president of the European Council, considers our collective responsibility to the planet and its people
A New Narrative: Collective Action for Positive Change
President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen on how the European Union has taken the lead in convening a global response to COVID-19

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Editors' Introductions

Confronting the Crises
John Kirton, director of the G7 Research Group, covers the agenda and outcomes of the G7's virtual summits
High Stakes on Bipartisan Consensus
Christopher Sands, director, Canada Institute, Wilson Center, shares the high stakes of inaction

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Spotlight on Health

G7 Performance on Health
Meagan Byrd, chair, summit studies, G7 Research Group, on how the G7 can improve compliance with its health commitments
The Measure of Humanity
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general, World Health Organization, says investing in health now will saves lives later
Eight Reasons to Be Fearful, and Hopeful, for the Next Generation
Henrietta H Fore, executive director, UNICEF, says world leaders can open doors of opportunity for every child
Health: A Vital Shared Investment
Winnie Byanyima, executive director, UNAIDS, says the G7 is well positioned to keep countries on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
A Vaccine for Humanity
Seth Berkley, CEO, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, calls for a one world approach in developing and delivering a COVID-19 vaccine
Threats to the Foundations of Global Health
Ilona Kickbusch, co-chair, UHC2030, on why it's critical that institutions do not fall prey to geopolitical posturing and conflicts
Crisis of a Century
Jeffrey L Sturchio, CEO, Rabin Martin, looks at how the private sector is contributing to controlling COVID-19 and offers three recommendations to ensure equitable distribution of future treatments
A Common Fight, A Shared Future
Elizabeth Cousens, president and CEO, UN Foundation, explains what COVID-19 and the Solidarity Response Fund teach us about collective action in the 21st century

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Opportunities for Innovation

G7 Performance on Digitalisation
Meredith Williams, lead researcher on digital innovation, G7 Research Group, calls for a clear agenda to secure digital transformation worldwide
Inequalities Exposed
Guy Ryder, director general, International Labour Organisation, calls for long-term change to build an economic and social system with humans at its heart
Towards a Trade Deal to Limit Trade Frictions to Corporate Taxation
Simon J Evenett, professor of international trade and economic development, University of St Gallen, offers guiding principles to govern commercial policymaking

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Inclusive Economic Growth

G7 Performance on Macroeconomic Policy
Alissa Wang, researcher, G7 Research Group, details the measures that can boost compliance on this central issue
G7 Performance on Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Stéphanie Bussiére, researcher, G7 Research Group, explores the G7's below-average compliance in this area and the measures proven to increase it
Strength in Numbers
Angel Gurría, secretary-general, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, shares how the G7 can help set the parameters of the global recovery from COVID-19
The Ripple Efect
Robert Fauver, former US G7 sherpa, explores the impact of COVID-19 as it ripples through our economies
Version published on March 12, 2020: Looking at the global economic situation
G7 Performance on Financial Regulation
Hélène Emorine, director, Paris office, G7 Research Group, finds the G7 has given inconsistent attention to financial regulation
Tax and Digitalisation: The Need for a Multilateral Response
Pascal Saint-Amans, director, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, says a multilateral response is essential in dealing with the tax challenges of digitalisation
Economic Resilience on Uncertain Times
Chiara Oldani, professor of economics, Viterbo 'La Tuscia', calls for fiscal pragmatism amid cirumstances that demand an extraordinary response

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Cooperation on Trade

G7 Performance on Trade
Maria Marchyshyn, lead researcher on trade, G7 Research Group, details the proven low-cost accountability measures available to improve compliance in this area
Investment Flows for Better Recovery
Mukhisa Kituyi, secretary-general, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, calls for a reboot to global investment to get countries back on track
The World Is Waiting
Zurab Pololikashvili, secretary- general, United Nations World Tourism Organization, says the industry uniquely contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals, which are now under threat from COVID-19
Clarity on International Trade
Christopher Sands, director, Canada Institute, Wilson Center, looks at the G7's approach to international trade at a time when economies need it most
A Forced Restart on International Trade
Lyric Hughes Hale, editor-in-chief, EconVue, says resource coordination and restoring public trust should be front and centre for long-term healthy trade

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Energy Security

G7 Performance on Energy
Ella Kokotsis, director of accountability, G7 Research Group, calls for concrete, actionable measures that ensure a reliable and sustainable energy supply
When Demand Dries Up
HE Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, secretary general, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, on how leaders can protect future energy security
Catalysing the Energy Transition with Green Hydrogen
Francesco La Camera, director general, International Renewable Energy Agency, says renewable energy represents a deep, untapped pool of job and wealth creation
In the Face of Dual Crises
Guy Caruso, senior adviser, Energy Security and Climate Change Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies, details measures the G7 should take to secure energy supplies during multiple crises
G7 Performance on Governing Arms Control
Hiromitsu Higashi, research analyst, G7 Research Group, spotlights the main objectives for arms control for the G7, including bringing North Korea back to the negotiating table

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Outlook on the Environment

G7 Performance on the Environment
Brittaney Warren, lead researcher on climate change, G7 Research Group, finds a weak correlation between environmental commitments made and compliance
Biodiversity for a Better Future
Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, executive secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity, shares how population health and the environment are inextricably linked
Ecosystem Restoration Done Right
Thomas Crowther, professor of global ecosystem ecology at ETH Zürich, where he formed the Crowther Lab, offers four principles that could bring environmental, societal and economic benefits

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Towards Gender Parity

G7 Performance on Gender Equality
Julia Kulik, director of research, G7 Research Group, explores how COVID-19 100 disproportionately threatens women
Women Working on the Front Line
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, under-secretary-general, United Nations, and executive director, UN Women, says taking a gender-focused response to the pandemic affords the opportunity to build back better

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Promoting Peace and Security

G7 Performance on Regional Security in the Middle East
Maria Zelenova, senior researcher, G7 Research Group, highlights four ways in which the G7 can improve its performance on Middle East security commitments
G7 Performance on European Security
Bogdan Stovba, lead researcher, G7 Research Group, identifies precedents for the G7 to focus on regional security for Europe
G7 Performance on Governing Arms Control
Hiromitsu Higashi, research analyst, G7 Research Group, spotlights the main objectives for arms control for the G7, including bringing North Korea back to the negotiating table
Now Is the Time for Real Results
Marcus Pleyer, president of the Financial Action Task Force, warns that large-scale money laundering can only be tackled if countries focus on tangible results
Globalisation Reimagined
Jane Harman, director, president and CEO, Wilson Center, names three ways in which re-globalisation could work
The Makings of Stability
Mara Karlin, director of strategic studies, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, on the lessons to be learned from recent conflicts — and how the G7 can act to prevent future wars
The Whole Story
Carl Gershman, president, National Endowment for Democracy, says there is an ongoing and sinister battle for narratives that is engandering our democratic stuctures
Food for Thought
David Beasley, executive director, World Food Programme, explains the crucial role the organisation plays in ensuring people worldwide have access to food — and the life-threatening challenges brought to supply chains by COVID-19

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A Stronger G7 System

Return of the Crisis Group
Karoline Postel-Vinay, research professor, Sciences Po, Paris, says in the face of a global pandemic the G7 will hark back to its erstwhile status as a crisis group
Increasing the Impact of the G7
Jessica Rapson, senior researcher, G7 Research Group, looks at the data behind G7 commitment success and highlights the measures that can increase the impact of the group on global policymaking

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