Background Publications

G20 USA: The 2020 Virtual Year
Edited by John Kirton and Madeline Koch, with Christopher Sands
Published by GT Media and the G7 Research Group, 2020
For a free downloadable electronic version, click here.
Foreword and Leaders' Intros
- A Historic Year for G7 Summitry
- John Kirton, director of the G7 Research Group, on the G7 in this unique year
- Defeating the Virus
- United States' president Donald Trump looks to the future of health care, peace and security and innovation
- Stopping Disease Before It Starts
- Boris Johnson, prime minister of the United Kingdom, on the importance of harnessing our shared scientific expertise
- The Many Good Reasons for Nations to Work together in All Areas
- Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany, explores the work and reward of creating greater cohesion in Europe
- How to Overcome Human Security Crises and Realise a Better World
- Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga of Japan and former prime minister Shinzo Abe share how the country is pioneering coordinated action on critical issues
- Determination, Courage and Vision for the Future
- Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte advocates for focused action in building a future built on the respect of human rights
- Coordination During Crises: A Wake-Up Call for a New Way of Thinking
- Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau says the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that the status quo isn't working well enough
- Standing Shoulder to Shoulder As We Face Shared Challenges
- France's president Emmanuel Macron calls for effective global governance to respond to globalisation
- A Commitment to Better Enforce the Level Playing Field
- Charles Michel, president of the European Council, considers our collective responsibility to the planet and its people
- A New Narrative: Collective Action for Positive Change
- President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen on how the European Union has taken the lead in convening a global response to COVID-19
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Editors' Introductions
- Confronting the Crises
- John Kirton, director of the G7 Research Group, covers the agenda and outcomes of the G7's virtual summits
- High Stakes on Bipartisan Consensus
- Christopher Sands, director, Canada Institute, Wilson Center, shares the high stakes of inaction
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Spotlight on Health
- G7 Performance on Health
- Meagan Byrd, chair, summit studies, G7 Research Group, on how the G7 can improve compliance with its health commitments
- The Measure of Humanity
- Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general, World Health Organization, says investing in health now will saves lives later
- Eight Reasons to Be Fearful, and Hopeful, for the Next Generation
- Henrietta H Fore, executive director, UNICEF, says world leaders can open doors of opportunity for every child
- Health: A Vital Shared Investment
- Winnie Byanyima, executive director, UNAIDS, says the G7 is well positioned to keep countries on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
- A Vaccine for Humanity
- Seth Berkley, CEO, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, calls for a one world approach in developing and delivering a COVID-19 vaccine
- Threats to the Foundations of Global Health
- Ilona Kickbusch, co-chair, UHC2030, on why it's critical that institutions do not fall prey to geopolitical posturing and conflicts
- Crisis of a Century
- Jeffrey L Sturchio, CEO, Rabin Martin, looks at how the private sector is contributing to controlling COVID-19 and offers three recommendations to ensure equitable distribution of future treatments
- A Common Fight, A Shared Future
- Elizabeth Cousens, president and CEO, UN Foundation, explains what COVID-19 and the Solidarity Response Fund teach us about collective action in the 21st century
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Opportunities for Innovation
- G7 Performance on Digitalisation
- Meredith Williams, lead researcher on digital innovation, G7 Research Group, calls for a clear agenda to secure digital transformation worldwide
- Inequalities Exposed
- Guy Ryder, director general, International Labour Organisation, calls for long-term change to build an economic and social system with humans at its heart
- Towards a Trade Deal to Limit Trade Frictions to Corporate Taxation
- Simon J Evenett, professor of international trade and economic development, University of St Gallen, offers guiding principles to govern commercial policymaking
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Inclusive Economic Growth
- G7 Performance on Macroeconomic Policy
- Alissa Wang, researcher, G7 Research Group, details the measures that can boost compliance on this central issue
- G7 Performance on Entrepreneurship and SMEs
- Stéphanie Bussiére, researcher, G7 Research Group, explores the G7's below-average compliance in this area and the measures proven to increase it
- Strength in Numbers
- Angel Gurría, secretary-general, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, shares how the G7 can help set the parameters of the global recovery from COVID-19
- The Ripple Efect
- Robert Fauver, former US G7 sherpa, explores the impact of COVID-19 as it ripples through our economies
Version published on March 12, 2020: Looking at the global economic situation
- G7 Performance on Financial Regulation
- Hélène Emorine, director, Paris office, G7 Research Group, finds the G7 has given inconsistent attention to financial regulation
- Tax and Digitalisation: The Need for a Multilateral Response
- Pascal Saint-Amans, director, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, says a multilateral response is essential in dealing with the tax challenges of digitalisation
- Economic Resilience on Uncertain Times
- Chiara Oldani, professor of economics, Viterbo 'La Tuscia', calls for fiscal pragmatism amid cirumstances that demand an extraordinary response
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Cooperation on Trade
- G7 Performance on Trade
- Maria Marchyshyn, lead researcher on trade, G7 Research Group, details the proven low-cost accountability measures available to improve compliance in this area
- Investment Flows for Better Recovery
- Mukhisa Kituyi, secretary-general, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, calls for a reboot to global investment to get countries back on track
- The World Is Waiting
- Zurab Pololikashvili, secretary- general, United Nations World Tourism Organization, says the industry uniquely contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals, which are now under threat from COVID-19
- Clarity on International Trade
- Christopher Sands, director, Canada Institute, Wilson Center, looks at the G7's approach to international trade at a time when economies need it most
- A Forced Restart on International Trade
- Lyric Hughes Hale, editor-in-chief, EconVue, says resource coordination and restoring public trust should be front and centre for long-term healthy trade
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Energy Security
- G7 Performance on Energy
- Ella Kokotsis, director of accountability, G7 Research Group, calls for concrete, actionable measures that ensure a reliable and sustainable energy supply
- When Demand Dries Up
- HE Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, secretary general, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, on how leaders can protect future energy security
- Catalysing the Energy Transition with Green Hydrogen
- Francesco La Camera, director general, International Renewable Energy Agency, says renewable energy represents a deep, untapped pool of job and wealth creation
- In the Face of Dual Crises
- Guy Caruso, senior adviser, Energy Security and Climate Change Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies, details measures the G7 should take to secure energy supplies during multiple crises
- G7 Performance on Governing Arms Control
- Hiromitsu Higashi, research analyst, G7 Research Group, spotlights the main objectives for arms control for the G7, including bringing North Korea back to the negotiating table
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Outlook on the Environment
- G7 Performance on the Environment
- Brittaney Warren, lead researcher on climate change, G7 Research Group, finds a weak correlation between environmental commitments made and compliance
- Biodiversity for a Better Future
- Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, executive secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity, shares how population health and the environment are inextricably linked
- Ecosystem Restoration Done Right
- Thomas Crowther, professor of global ecosystem ecology at ETH Zürich, where he formed the Crowther Lab, offers four principles that could bring environmental, societal and economic benefits
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Towards Gender Parity
- G7 Performance on Gender Equality
- Julia Kulik, director of research, G7 Research Group, explores how COVID-19 100 disproportionately threatens women
- Women Working on the Front Line
- Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, under-secretary-general, United Nations, and executive director, UN Women, says taking a gender-focused response to the pandemic affords the opportunity to build back better
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Promoting Peace and Security
- G7 Performance on Regional Security in the Middle East
- Maria Zelenova, senior researcher, G7 Research Group, highlights four ways in which the G7 can improve its performance on Middle East security commitments
- G7 Performance on European Security
- Bogdan Stovba, lead researcher, G7 Research Group, identifies precedents for the G7 to focus on regional security for Europe
- G7 Performance on Governing Arms Control
- Hiromitsu Higashi, research analyst, G7 Research Group, spotlights the main objectives for arms control for the G7, including bringing North Korea back to the negotiating table
- Now Is the Time for Real Results
- Marcus Pleyer, president of the Financial Action Task Force, warns that large-scale money laundering can only be tackled if countries focus on tangible results
- Globalisation Reimagined
- Jane Harman, director, president and CEO, Wilson Center, names three ways in which re-globalisation could work
- The Makings of Stability
- Mara Karlin, director of strategic studies, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, on the lessons to be learned from recent conflicts — and how the G7 can act to prevent future wars
- The Whole Story
- Carl Gershman, president, National Endowment for Democracy, says there is an ongoing and sinister battle for narratives that is engandering our democratic stuctures
- Food for Thought
- David Beasley, executive director, World Food Programme, explains the crucial role the organisation plays in ensuring people worldwide have access to food — and the life-threatening challenges brought to supply chains by COVID-19
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A Stronger G7 System
- Return of the Crisis Group
- Karoline Postel-Vinay, research professor, Sciences Po, Paris, says in the face of a global pandemic the G7 will hark back to its erstwhile status as a crisis group
- Increasing the Impact of the G7
- Jessica Rapson, senior researcher, G7 Research Group, looks at the data behind G7 commitment success and highlights the measures that can increase the impact of the group on global policymaking
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