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University of Toronto

Health: A Political Choice – Advancing Indigenous Peoples' Rights and Well-Being

Edited by Ilona Kickbusch and John Kirton, with Catherine Chamberlain
Published by GT Media, 2024

Free downloadable electronic version available here
See also the Global Governance Project

Welcome messages

Spearheading global change for Indigenous health
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general, World Health Organization
Indigenous peoples' rights and well-being
Axel R Pries, president, World Health Summit
Longer, happier, healthier lives
Saia Ma'u Piukala, WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific

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Editors' introductions

The global governance of Indigenous peoples' health
Ilona Kickbusch, founding director, Global Health Centre, Geneva, and John Kirton, director, Global Governance Program
Time to listen
Catherine Chamberlain, head, Indigenous Health Equity Unit, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, and Karen Adams, director, Gukwonderuk, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University

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The Indigenous health agenda

Better mental health outcomes through blended knowledge systems
Helen Milroy, professor, Perth Children's Hospital and University of Western Australia
Untangling the health crisis and violence
Marcia Langton AO, associate provost, University of Melbourne, and Kristen Smith, Onemda Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbeing, University of Melbourne
Decolonising public health
Interview with Emma Rawson-Te Patu, president-elect, World Federation of Public Health Associations
Destigmatising mental health
Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada
G20 and G7 convergence key for a new global health order
Hatice Beton, executive director, G20 and G7 Health and Development Partnership
How health trends and decisions are affecting Inuit in Greenland
Naja Carina Steenholdt and Ivalu Katajavaara Seidler, Centre for Public Health in Greenland, University of Southern Denmark
Helping people to breathe easy
Raglan Maddox, professor, National Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing Research, Australian National University
When health rests on rights
Christina Henriksen, former president, Saami Council
Meaningful Indigenous representation across the globe: a call to action
Geoffrey Roth, vice-chair and expert member of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
The health of Indigenous peoples
The resolution adopted by the World Health Assembly in May 2023
Country Statement by Brazil at the World Health Assembly
Statement delivered by Ricardo Weibe Nascimento Costa, Brazil's vice-minister for the health of Indigenous peoples
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Excerpts from the 2007 declaration that refer to Indigenous health and well-being

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