Background Books

The UK Summit: The G8 at Lough Erne 2013
Edited by John Kirton and Madeline Koch
Published by Newsdesk Media Group and the G8 Research Group, 2013
To download a low-resolution pdf, click here.
Introductions and leaders' perspectives
- The UK's G8 agenda: trade, fair taxes and transparency
- David Cameron, prime minister, United Kingdom
- Today's world contains both threats and opportunities
- Barack Obama, president, United States of America
- G8: taking responsibility to ensure economic and social development
- François Hollande, president, France [version en français]
- Strengthening the EU's economic partnership with the world
- José Manuel Barroso, president, European Commission
- Levelling the playing field John Kirton, director, G8 Research Group
- The UK's role in the G7 and G8
- Sir Nicholas Bayne, KCMG, fellow, International Trade Policy Unit, London School of Economics and Political Science
Economic growth
- The G8 economies and global growth
- Robert Fauver, former US G7/G8 sherpa
- Where to next for the US economy?
- David Hale, chairman, David Hale Global Economics
- Generating growth in Europe: the EBRD's role
- Sir Suma Chakrabarti, president, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- Protecting digital economies
- John Lyons, chief executive, International Cyber Security Protection Alliance
- Generating jobs and livelihoods – a priority for the G8 and G20
- Guy Ryder, director general, International Labour Organization
- The role of education in employment and economic sustainability
- Harry Anthony Patrinos and Kaavya Ashok Krishna, World Bank Group
- Enhancing entrepreneurship for growth and jobs
- Victor Sedov, president, Center for Entrepreneurship, Russia, president, Russia Delegation, G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance; and Helen Gale, director, strategy and performance, Youth Business International, co-president, United Kingdom Delegation, G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance
Trade and investment
- Rebalancing economies through trade and investment
- Lord Green, minister of state for trade and investment, United Kingdom
- Creating the Canada-EU economic community
- Roy MacLaren, former minister of international trade for Canada
- Forging an EU-US economic partnership: a European perspective
- Stormy-Annika Mildner, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, and Claudia Schmucker, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik
- Forging an EU-US economic partnership: a US perspective
- Jeffrey J Schott and Cathleen Cimino, Peterson Institute for International Economics
- Introducing Japan's new economic model
- Naoki Tanaka, president, Centre for International Public Policy Studies
- Small businesses: the key to inclusive, export-led economic growth
- Patricia Francis, executive director, International Trade Centre
- Fostering international investment
- Supachai Panitchpakdi, secretary-general,
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- Time to start negotiations on a multilateral investment agreement
- Anders Åslund and Gary Clyde Hufbauer, senior fellows, Peterson Institute for International Economics
- Facilitating increased global travel and trade, efficiently and securely
- Raymond Benjamin, secretary general,
International Civil Aviation Organization
Taxation, transparency and good governance
- Generating sustainable global growth: an OECD perspective on the G8
- Angel Gurría, secretary general, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- Lough Erne and tax justice: the point of no return
- Dries Lesage, Ghent Institute for International Studies, Ghent University
- Taxing financial systems
- Lida Preyma, director, Capital Markets Research, Global Finance, G8 and G20 Research Groups
- International financial reporting standards for fairness and growth
- Alan Carter, senior tax economist, International Tax Dialogue
- Governance in natural resources: the development challenge of the day
- Daniel Kaufmann, president, Revenue Watch Institute
- Managing and thwarting the criminal risk in an open world
- Ronald K Noble, secretary general, INTERPOL
- From resource curse to resource cure: the G8 opportunity
- Paul Collier, Blavatnik School of Government,
Oxford University
Aid, development and Africa
- Continued progress in a democratic Liberia
- Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, president, Liberia
- Charting the development of Africa: the G8 and the continent's ambitions
- Donald Kaberuka, president, African Development Bank Group
- Financial inclusion: a factor in economic growth and stability
- Alfred Hannig, executive director,
Alliance for Financial Inclusion
- Promoting inclusive growth in Asia and the Pacific
- Haruhiko Kuroda, former president,
Asian Development Bank
Agriculture and food security
- The Feed the Future initiative and the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition
- Rajiv Shah, administrator, United States Agency for International Development
- Building biodiversity for agriculture, food and nutrition security
- Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, executive secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity
- Plant protection addresses food security through effective regulation
- Yukio Yokoi, secretary, International
Plant Protection Convention
- The power of rural development
- Kanayo F Nwanze, president, International Fund for Agricultural Development
- Ensuring access to food: responding to crises, supporting development
- Ertharin Cousin, executive director,
World Food Programme
- Water: smart questions get better answers
- Loïc Fauchon, honorary president, World Water Council; president, Trans-Sahara Without Borders
- Working to achieve food and nutrition security
- Marie-Christine Laporte, Alliance Against Hunger and Malnutrition
Hunger, nutrition and health
- Hunger, malnutrition and the G8
- Jay Naidoo, chair, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
- Advancing the Africa-G8 partnership: towards an AIDS-free generation
- Dr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, chief executive officer, New Partnership for Africa's Development Agency and Michel Sidibé, executive director, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
- A global summit must modernise governance for health
- Ilona Kickbusch, director, Global Health Programme at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, and Stefan Germann, World Vision International
Energy and sustainability
- Safeguarding oil security
- Maria van der Hoeven, executive director, International Energy Agency
- A new agenda for action
- Peter Bakker, president, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- Growth and the oil market
- Abdalla Salem El-Badri, secretary general, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
- From outcome to implementation: fast-tracking Rio+20
- Achim Steiner, UN under-secretary general and executive director, United Nations Environment Programme
Foreign policy and security
- Supporting Arab countries in the Deauville Partnership
- Bessma Momani, Balsillie School of International Affairs
- The non-proliferation agenda: paths to two nuclear futures
- David Shorr, The Stanley Foundation
- Strengthening security within East Asia
- David A Welch, CIGI chair of global security and director, Balsillie School of International Affairs
- Taking on piracy together
- Koji Sekimizu, secretary general, International
Maritime Organization
- The G8's Counterterrorism Action Group: leaving takes leadership
- Alistair Millar, director, Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation, and non-resident senior fellow, George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute
- Working for women's security
- Julia Kulik, G8 Research Group
Strengthening the G8 system
- The 2013 G8 Lough Erne Summit: advancing G8 accountability
- Ella Kokotsis and Caroline Bracht, G8 Research Group
- Building the contribution of business through the B8
- Sir Roger Carr, president, Confederation of British Industry
- After 13 years, the Millennium Development Goals are still pertinent
- Karen Hamilton, general secretary, Canadian Council of Churches, and Charles Reed, director, international affairs, Church of England
- Working with the countries of the G20, BRICS and United Nations
- Andrew F Cooper, distinguished fellow, Balsillie School of International Affairs; and professor, Department of Political Science; director, Centre for Studies on Rapid Global Change, University of Waterloo
- Looking towards Russia's G8 presidency in 2014
- Marina Larionova, International Organisations Research Institute, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Leaders' profiles
Sponsors' index
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