Global Governance Program

Global Governance Program
Including the G7 Research Group, G20 Research Group,
BRICS Research Group and the Global Health Diplomacy Program

University of Toronto

The UK Summit: The G8 at Lough Erne 2013

Edited by John Kirton and Madeline Koch
Published by Newsdesk Media Group and the G8 Research Group, 2013

To download a low-resolution pdf, click here.


Introductions and leaders' perspectives

The UK's G8 agenda: trade, fair taxes and transparency
David Cameron, prime minister, United Kingdom
Today's world contains both threats and opportunities
Barack Obama, president, United States of America
G8: taking responsibility to ensure economic and social development
François Hollande, president, France [version en français]
Strengthening the EU's economic partnership with the world
José Manuel Barroso, president, European Commission
Levelling the playing field John Kirton, director, G8 Research Group
The UK's role in the G7 and G8
Sir Nicholas Bayne, KCMG, fellow, International Trade Policy Unit, London School of Economics and Political Science

Economic growth

The G8 economies and global growth
Robert Fauver, former US G7/G8 sherpa
Where to next for the US economy?
David Hale, chairman, David Hale Global Economics
Generating growth in Europe: the EBRD's role
Sir Suma Chakrabarti, president, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Protecting digital economies
John Lyons, chief executive, International Cyber Security Protection Alliance
Generating jobs and livelihoods – a priority for the G8 and G20
Guy Ryder, director general, International Labour Organization
The role of education in employment and economic sustainability
Harry Anthony Patrinos and Kaavya Ashok Krishna, World Bank Group
Enhancing entrepreneurship for growth and jobs
Victor Sedov, president, Center for Entrepreneurship, Russia, president, Russia Delegation, G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance; and Helen Gale, director, strategy and performance, Youth Business International, co-president, United Kingdom Delegation, G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance

Trade and investment

Rebalancing economies through trade and investment
Lord Green, minister of state for trade and investment, United Kingdom
Creating the Canada-EU economic community
Roy MacLaren, former minister of international trade for Canada
Forging an EU-US economic partnership: a European perspective
Stormy-Annika Mildner, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, and Claudia Schmucker, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik
Forging an EU-US economic partnership: a US perspective
Jeffrey J Schott and Cathleen Cimino, Peterson Institute for International Economics
Introducing Japan's new economic model
Naoki Tanaka, president, Centre for International Public Policy Studies
Small businesses: the key to inclusive, export-led economic growth
Patricia Francis, executive director, International Trade Centre
Fostering international investment
Supachai Panitchpakdi, secretary-general, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Time to start negotiations on a multilateral investment agreement
Anders Åslund and Gary Clyde Hufbauer, senior fellows, Peterson Institute for International Economics
Facilitating increased global travel and trade, efficiently and securely
Raymond Benjamin, secretary general, International Civil Aviation Organization

Taxation, transparency and good governance

Generating sustainable global growth: an OECD perspective on the G8
Angel Gurría, secretary general, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Lough Erne and tax justice: the point of no return
Dries Lesage, Ghent Institute for International Studies, Ghent University
Taxing financial systems
Lida Preyma, director, Capital Markets Research, Global Finance, G8 and G20 Research Groups
International financial reporting standards for fairness and growth
Alan Carter, senior tax economist, International Tax Dialogue
Governance in natural resources: the development challenge of the day
Daniel Kaufmann, president, Revenue Watch Institute
Managing and thwarting the criminal risk in an open world
Ronald K Noble, secretary general, INTERPOL
From resource curse to resource cure: the G8 opportunity
Paul Collier, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University

Aid, development and Africa

Continued progress in a democratic Liberia
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, president, Liberia
Charting the development of Africa: the G8 and the continent's ambitions
Donald Kaberuka, president, African Development Bank Group
Financial inclusion: a factor in economic growth and stability
Alfred Hannig, executive director, Alliance for Financial Inclusion
Promoting inclusive growth in Asia and the Pacific
Haruhiko Kuroda, former president, Asian Development Bank

Agriculture and food security

The Feed the Future initiative and the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition
Rajiv Shah, administrator, United States Agency for International Development
Building biodiversity for agriculture, food and nutrition security
Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, executive secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity
Plant protection addresses food security through effective regulation
Yukio Yokoi, secretary, International Plant Protection Convention
The power of rural development
Kanayo F Nwanze, president, International Fund for Agricultural Development
Ensuring access to food: responding to crises, supporting development
Ertharin Cousin, executive director, World Food Programme
Water: smart questions get better answers
Loïc Fauchon, honorary president, World Water Council; president, Trans-Sahara Without Borders
Working to achieve food and nutrition security
Marie-Christine Laporte, Alliance Against Hunger and Malnutrition

Hunger, nutrition and health

Hunger, malnutrition and the G8
Jay Naidoo, chair, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
Advancing the Africa-G8 partnership: towards an AIDS-free generation
Dr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, chief executive officer, New Partnership for Africa's Development Agency and Michel Sidibé, executive director, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
A global summit must modernise governance for health
Ilona Kickbusch, director, Global Health Programme at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, and Stefan Germann, World Vision International

Energy and sustainability

Safeguarding oil security
Maria van der Hoeven, executive director, International Energy Agency
A new agenda for action
Peter Bakker, president, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Growth and the oil market
Abdalla Salem El-Badri, secretary general, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
From outcome to implementation: fast-tracking Rio+20
Achim Steiner, UN under-secretary general and executive director, United Nations Environment Programme

Foreign policy and security

Supporting Arab countries in the Deauville Partnership
Bessma Momani, Balsillie School of International Affairs
The non-proliferation agenda: paths to two nuclear futures
David Shorr, The Stanley Foundation
Strengthening security within East Asia
David A Welch, CIGI chair of global security and director, Balsillie School of International Affairs
Taking on piracy together
Koji Sekimizu, secretary general, International Maritime Organization
The G8's Counterterrorism Action Group: leaving takes leadership
Alistair Millar, director, Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation, and non-resident senior fellow, George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute
Working for women's security
Julia Kulik, G8 Research Group

Strengthening the G8 system

The 2013 G8 Lough Erne Summit: advancing G8 accountability
Ella Kokotsis and Caroline Bracht, G8 Research Group
Building the contribution of business through the B8
Sir Roger Carr, president, Confederation of British Industry
After 13 years, the Millennium Development Goals are still pertinent
Karen Hamilton, general secretary, Canadian Council of Churches, and Charles Reed, director, international affairs, Church of England
Working with the countries of the G20, BRICS and United Nations
Andrew F Cooper, distinguished fellow, Balsillie School of International Affairs; and professor, Department of Political Science; director, Centre for Studies on Rapid Global Change, University of Waterloo
Looking towards Russia's G8 presidency in 2014
Marina Larionova, International Organisations Research Institute, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Leaders' profiles

Sponsors' index


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