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University of Toronto

The G20 Pittsburgh Summit 2009

Edited by John Kirton and Madeline Koch
Published by Newsdesk Media Group and the G20 Research Group, 2009

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The President’s Welcome Message for the Pittsburgh Summit
Barack Obama, president, United States of America
[English] [Français] [Deutsch] [Italiano] [Russian] [Portuguesa] [Chinese] [Korean] [Japanese] [Indonesian]

London’s legacy
Gordon Brown, prime minister, United Kingdom [English] [Français] [Russian] [Chinese]

Pittsburgh: bridging the Washington-London G20 summits and beyond
Lee Myung-bak, president, Republic of Korea [English] [Korean] [Chinese]

Brazil’s approach to shared growth and global governance
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, president, Brazil [English] [Chinese] [Portuguesa]

From Pittsburgh to Muskoka: building a sustainable global recovery
Stephen Harper, prime minister, Canada [English] [Français] [Russian] [Chinese] [Korean]

Prospects for the Pittsburgh Summit
John Kirton, director, G20 Research Group, and Jenilee Guebert, research coordinator, G20 Research Group [English] [Français] [Chinese]

The world economy: road to recovery
Jim O’Neill, Goldman Sachs [English]

Welcome to Pittsburgh
Dan Onorato, Allegheny County Executive, and Luke Ravenstahl, mayor, City of Pittsburgh [English]

The pathway to economic recovery

A strategy for global economic growth
Angel Gurría, secretary general, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [English]

America’s contribution to global economic growth
Robert Fauver, former US under secretary of state for economic affairs and former G7 sherpa [English]

China: a revisionist rather than a revolutionist
Tu Xinquan, associate director, China Institute for World Trade Organization Studies, University of International Business and Economics [English] [Chinese]

Reforming financial regulation & supervision

Regulating the banks: next steps
Paolo Savona, professor emeritus, geopolitical economy, and economic adviser, Associazione Guido Carli [English]

Pay, risk and stewardship for future capital markets
Stephen Davis, Millstein Center for Corporate Governance and Performance, Yale University

Rating credit responsibly
Anthony Hilton, financial editor, London Evening Standard [English]

Dealing with derivatives
Chiara Oldani, professor of economics, University of Viterbo ‘La Tuscia’; director of research, Assonebb [English]

The challenges and contributions of offshore jurisdictions
Denisse Rudich, Serum International [English]

Islamic finance: an alternative financial model
Ahmad Mohamed Ali, president, Islamic Development Bank [English]

Government perspective

Adopting the G20 agenda in the EU
Mats Odell, Sweden’s minister for local government and financial markets

Reconstructing global financial institutions

The Financial Stability Board: international cooperation to promote financial stability
Mario Draghi, chair, Financial Stability Board [English] [Français]

A new International Monetary Fund?
Domenico Lombardi, president, Oxford Institute for Economic Policy, and non-resident senior fellow, Brookings Institution [English]

Bretton Woods 1944 versus Pittsburgh 2009
Naoki Tanaka, president, Centre for International Public Policy Studies [English] [Japanese]

Restoring trade, investment, infrastructure

The International Finance Corporation’s role in trade finance and development
Lars H. Thunell, executive vice president and CEO, International Finance Corporation [English]

The trouble with trade: the Pittsburgh G20 leaders’ review
Alan S. Alexandroff, Program on Conflict Management and Negotiation, University of Toronto and The Centre for International Governance Innovation, and Andrew F. Cooper, The Centre for International Governance Innovation [English]

India’s role in getting Doha done
Yoginder K. Alagh, chancellor, Central University of Nagaland, and former minister, power, planning and science and technology, India [English]

Green investment for climate & energy security

The Copenhagen conference’s climate change challenge
Lars Lokke Rasmussen, prime minister, Denmark [English] [Chinese]

The sustainable energy contribution
Nobuo Tanaka, executive director, International Energy Agency [English]

How Pittsburgh can help Copenhagen on climate change
Frank Loy, former US under secretary of state for global affairs and former chief climate negotiator [English]

From conventional to creative energy supply strategies
Victoria V. Panova, Moscow State Institute of International Relations [English]

Deploying carbon capture and storage
Nick Otter, CEO, Global CCS Institute

Financing renewable energy technologies and production
Raili Kajaste, Nordic Environment Finance Corporation, and Risto Penttilä, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA [English]

Reinforcing development, food security & health

The G20, or the G200? A Commonwealth view on global development challenges
Kamalesh Sharma, Commonwealth secretary general [English]

Achieving interdependence
Haruhiko Kuroda, president, Asian Development Bank [English] [Russian] [Korean] [Japanese] [Chinese]
(Translations provided by the Asian Development Bank)

Growing to meet future challenges
Luis Alberto Moreno, president, Inter-American Development Bank [English]

Long-term commitment vital for Africa’s growth
Donald Kaberuka, president, African Development Bank [English]

Securing food and agriculture worldwide
Donald G.M. Coxe, chair, Coxe Advisors LLC [English]

Food security and the biofuels challenge
C. Ford Runge, Distinguished McKnight University Professor of Applied Economics and Law, University of Minnesota [English]

America’s global health support for development
Gloria Steele, head, Global Health, USAID

Health security from economic and environmental innovation
Jeffrey L. Sturchio, president and CEO, Global Health Council [English]

Actors & stakeholders

G20 leader profiles [English]

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