G7 and G20 Research Groups

G7 Information Centre
G20 Information Centre

University of Toronto

Shaping Global Summitry

on Monday, March 12, 2018
at the Campbell Conference Facility at the Munk School of Globall Affairs
1 Devonshire Place

9h00-9h45: Welcome

9h45-10h30: Opening Keynote Address

10h30-11h15: G7 Summitry from Toronto 1988 to Charlevoix 2017

11h15-11h30: Break

11h30-12h15: G20 Governance from 1999 to 2019

12h15-13h00: Keynote Address, Canada's Contribution to Global Summitry

13h00-14h00: Lunch

14h00-15h00: Sustainability

15h00-15h45: Economy

15h45-16h00: Break

16h00-16h45: Security

16h45-17h15: Concluding Keynote Address

17h15-17h45: Concluding Remarks on European Contributions to Global Governance: G7, G20, United Nations

Munk School for Global Affairs
Trinity College in the University of Toronto Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History International Relations Society
Robert H. Catherwood Scholarship Fund Arts and Sciences Students Union at the University of Toronto
Insurance Bureau of Canada

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and the Global Governance Program based at Trinity College
in the University of Toronto.
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