Synopsis | Speakers
Shaping Global Summitry
on Monday, March 12, 2018
at the Campbell Conference Facility at the Munk School of Globall Affairs
1 Devonshire Place
9h00-9h45: Welcome
9h45-10h30: Opening Keynote Address
10h30-11h15: G7 Summitry from Toronto 1988 to Charlevoix 2017
11h15-11h30: Break
11h30-12h15: G20 Governance from 1999 to 2019
12h15-13h00: Keynote Address, Canada's Contribution to Global Summitry
- Chair: David McGown, Insurance Bureau of Canada
- Introduction: Teresa Kramarz, Director, Munk One Foundation Program, Munk School of Global Affairs
- The Right Honourable Joe Clark, former prime minister of Canada
- Thanks: David Dewitt, University Professor, Department of Politics, York University
13h00-14h00: Lunch
14h00-15h00: Sustainability
15h00-15h45: Economy
- Chair: Lynn McDonald, Chair, Catherwood Awards Stewardship Committee
- Dr. Susan Hainsworth, Senior Counsellor, Legal Affairs Division, World Trade Organization
- Lynn Robertson, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
15h45-16h00: Break
16h00-16h45: Security
16h45-17h15: Concluding Keynote Address
- Chair: Professor Rachel Silvey, Richard Charles Lee Director of the Asian Institute, Munk School of Global Affairs
- Takako Ito, Consul General of Japan
- Alissa Wang, Catherwood Scholar and Chair, Summit Studies, BRICS Research Group
17h15-17h45: Concluding Remarks on European Contributions to Global Governance: G7, G20, United Nations
- Chair and closing remarks: Andreas Kyriakos, Co-president, International Relations Society
- Jan Wouters, Director, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, Institute for International Law, KU Leuven
- Thanks: Hélène Emorine, Co-chair, Summit Studies, G20 Research Group
Synopsis | Speakers
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