Global Governance Program

Global Governance Program
Including the G7 Research Group, G20 Research Group,
BRICS Research Group and the Global Health Diplomacy Program

University of Toronto

G8 & G20: The 2010 Canadian Summits

Edited by John Kirton and Madeline Koch
Published by Newsdesk Media Group and the G20 Research Group, 2010

To download a low-resolution pdf, click here or go to the Newsdesk site.

Table of Contents [PDF]

Introduction and welcome [PDF]

Recovery and new beginnings
The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, prime minister, Canada
[English] [français] [Korean] [Japanese] [Italiano] [Espanol] [Deutsch] [Portugues] [Türk] [Bahasa Indonesia] [Chinese] [Arabic]
Reprise et renaissance
Le très honorable Stephen Harper, premier ministre du Canada
[anglais] [corée] [japonais] [Italiano] [Espanol] [Deutsch] [Portugues] [Türk] [Bahasa Indonesia] [chinois] [arabe]
The G20: a timely forum
Lee Myung-bak, president, Republic of Korea
[English] [français] [Korean] [Italiano] [Japanese] [Espanol] [Deutsch] [Portugues] [Türk] [Bahasa Indonesia] [Arabic]
From crisis to recovery
Barack Obama, president, United States of America
[English] [français] [Korean] [Italiano] [Japanese] [Espanol] [Deutsch] [Portugues] [Türk] [Bahasa Indonesia] [Chinese] [Arabic]
Japan’s responsibilities: the G20, the G8 and APEC
Naoto Kan, prime minister, Japan
[English] [français] [Korean] [Italiano] [Japanese] [Espanol] [Deutsch] [Portugues] [Türk] [Bahasa Indonesia] [Chinese] [Arabic] [Russkiya]
Prospects for the 2010 Muskoka-Toronto summits
John Kirton, director, G8 Research Group, co-director, G20 Research Group

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Dealing with humanitarian crises [PDF]

Building effective humanitarian responses for the 21st century
Sir John Holmes, United Nations under-secretary general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator
Haiti’s reconstruction, natural disasters and the climate change challenge
Gordon A. McBean, Science Committee, Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, University of Western Ontario

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Spotlight on Canada [PDF]

Canada: the international gateway to the world
The Honourable Tony Clement, minister of industry, Canada
Ontario welcomes the world
The Honourable Dalton McGuinty, premier, Ontario
Toronto’s financial services sector
David Miller, mayor, Toronto
Muskoka: Canada’s piece of paradise
Claude Doughty, major, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

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Sustaining economic growth [PDF]

Sustaining global growth: a strategic approach to development
Angel Gurría, secretary-general, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
An emerging platform for a new economy
Dr Tarek Kamel, minister of communications and information technology, Egypt
Prospects for global growth
Robert Fauver, former G7/G8 sherpa, United States
Generating jobs, sustaining growth
Juan Somavia, director general, International Labour Organization
Making globalisation work
The Right Honourable Paul Martin, former prime minister of Canada

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Reforming financial systems and institutions [PDF]

The euro and the Greek crisis: a new international monetary scenario
Paolo Savona, Guglielmo Marconi University, Rome
Offshore jurisdictions
Amandine Scherrer, associate researcher, Canada Research Chair in Security, Identity and Technology, Université de Montréal
The role of Islamic finance in the post-crisis world
Ahmad Muhammad Ali, president, Islamic Development Bank Group
Social business and the G8/G20
Muhammad Yunus, founder, Grameen Bank; Nobel Peace Laureate, 2006
The G20, the International Monetary Fund and global surveillance
Domenico Lombardi, president, The Oxford Institute for Economic Policy, non-resident senior fellow, Brookings Institution

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Global development [PDF]

Keeping the promise of the Millennium Development Goals
Ban Ki-moon, secretary general, United Nations
The end of the Third World?
Robert B. Zoellick, president, World Bank Group
The private sector and inclusive business models
Lars H. Thunell, executive vice president and CEO, International Finance Corporation
Modernising the Asian Development Bank
Haruhiko Kuroda, president, Asian Development Bank
Reforming financial systems and institutions: modernising the African Development Bank
Donald Kaberuka, president, African Development Bank
Toward a G20 agenda for global development
James D. Wolfensohn, chair and CEO, Wolfensohn & Company, former president, World Bank

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Open trade and investment [PDF]

Trade for the global economic recovery
Pascal Lamy, director general of the World Trade Organization
G20 trade protectionism: a continuing threat?
Alan S. Alexandroff, co-director, G20 Research Group, Munk School of Global Affairs, and senior fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation
Stabilising India’s fast growth: Doha matters
Yoginder K. Alagh, chancellor, Central University of Nagaland, and former minister, power, planning and science and technology of India
China’s role in a world in crisis
Tu Xinquan, China Institute for WTO Studies, University of International Business and Economics

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Protecting the environment [PDF]

Copenhagen’s accomplishments
Achim Steiner, under-secretary general, United Nations, and executive director, United Nations Environment Programme
The challenge of catalytic leadership for long-term change
Steven Bernstein and Matthew Hoffmann, co-directors, Global Environmental Governance Program, Centre for International Studies, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto
Governing global climate change: from Copenhagen to Cancun
Isabel Studer, Centre for Dialogue and Analysis on North America
The road from Rio
Richard L. Sandor, chair and founder, Chicago Climate Exchange
Pushing ahead with carbon capture and storage
Keith Forward, editor, Carbon Capture Journal
Building biodiversity
Wangari Maathai, Green Belt Movement
Fossil fuel subsidies and the G20
David Runnalls, president, International Institute for Sustainable Development
The contribution of business to sustainable development
Björn Stigson, president, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
New ideas for the 21st century
The Honourable Gordon Campbell, premier, British Columbia

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Energy security [PDF]

Fresh momentum for tackling global energy challenges
Nobuo Tanaka, executive director, International Energy Agency
The sources of clean energy
Matthew Warren, chief executive, Clean Energy Council
Beyond fossil fuels: how the G8 and G20 summits can help
Dries Lesage, University of Ghent
Harnessing renewable energy
Victoria Panova, associate professor, Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Russia, MGIMO-University, MFA Russia
The contributions and challenges of nuclear energy
Trevor Findlay, The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University [English]
Energy security concerns: do they matter?
Robert E. Ebel, Center for Strategic and International Studies
The Arctic energy treasury house
Rob Huebert, associate director, Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary

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Food, agriculture and water [PDF]

Women: reducing poverty and malnutrition
Kanayo F. Nwanze, president, International Fund for Agriculture and Development
The right food at the right time: prioritising nutrition in food security
Josette Sheeren, executive director, United Nations World Food Programme
The contributions and challenges of African agriculture
Diéry Seck, director, Centre for Research on Political Economy, Dakar
Genetically modified food against hunger
David Sparling, chair, Agri-Food Innovation and Regulation, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, and Janet Beauvais, Professor of Practice, McGill University
Tariffs, standards and agricultural trade: what’s the right agenda?
Sophia Murphy, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Nutrition: the forgotten Millennium Development Goal?
Meera Shekar, lead health and nutrition specialist, Human Development Network, World Bank
Supporting the new green revolution: are politics properly targeted?
C. Ford Runge, Distinguished McKnight University Professor of Applied Economics and Law, University of Minnesota
Let’s give water a chance
Loïc Fauchon, president, World Water Council

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Health [PDF]

The global health challenge
Mirta Roses Periago, regional director, Pan American Health Organization/ World Health Organization
AIDS in Africa: challenges and complacency
Sophie Harman, Department of International Politics, City University
Investing in maternal, newborn and child health
Nigel Fisher, president and CEO, UNICEF Canada, and Meg French, director, International Programmes, UNICEF Canada
Overcoming AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria
Michel Kazatchkine, executive director, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Cutting and tearing
Minette Walters, crime writer
Climate change and global health: the time is now
James Orbinski, co-director, Global Health Diplomacy Program, and Jenilee Guebert, director of research, Global Health Diplomacy Program
Development innovation: Grand Challenges Canada
Peter A. Singer, chief executive officer, Grand Challenges Canada, director, McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health, and David Crane, consultant
Health is everybody’s business
Jeffrey L. Sturchio, president and chief executive officer, Global Health Council

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Security [PDF]

A nuclear-free world and Korea
Lee Dong-hwi, Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea [English]
A bigger table, a broader agenda
David Shorr, program officer, The Stanley Foundation [English]

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G8/G20 partnership [PDF]

Hosting successful summits: the Muskoka model
Ella Kokotsis, director of external relations, G8 and G20 Research Groups
The G8-G20 partnership
Andrew F. Cooper, associate director and distinguished fellow, The Centre for International Governance Innovation, professor of political science, University of Waterloo
Inspired leadership
The Reverend Doctor Karen Hamilton, chair, 2010 InterFaith Partnership, general secretary, Canadian Council of Churches
Are promises kept?
Jenilee Guebert, director of research, and Erin Fitzgerald, student chair, G8 Research Group
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Actors [PDF]


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